
Lesson No 59: The Case For EQ (Life-After-COVID)

The Queen of Hearts: The Confessions of An ‘Accidental’ Leader

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life… 

So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time… 

Adults with high EQ have better career advancement, are more effective leaders and salespeople, and have better personal and professional relationships. 

“Research shows convincingly that EQ is more important than IQ in almost every role and many  
times more important in leadership roles. This finding is accentuated as we move from the control philosophy of the industrial age to an empowering release philosophy of the knowledge worker age.”                                
– Dr Stephen Covey 

EQ is a game-changer, the “missing link” that equips people to be change makers.  

  • An analysis of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen global companies showed that EQ competencies distinguished stars from the average. 
    (Spencer, 1997) 
  • At L’Oréal, sales agents selected on the basis of certain EQ competencies significantly outsold sales people selected using the company’s old procedure. On an annual basis, sales people selected on the basis of EQ competencies sold $91,370 more than other sales people did, for a net revenue of $2,558,360. Sales people selected on the basis of EQ competence also had a 63% less turnover during the first year than those selected in the typical way. 
    (Spencer et al., 1993, 1997) 
  • After supervisors in a manufacturing plant received EQ training, lost-time accidents were reduced by 50%, formal grievances were reduced from an average of 15 per year to 3 per year and the plant productivity goals by $250,000. 
    (Porras & Anderson, 1981) 

According to Six Seconds, EQ simply means being smart with feelings.  

Emotions are valuable signals that help individuals survive and thrive. When we learn to use them, emotions help us make more effective decisions, connect with others, find and follow our purpose and lead a more whole hearted life. 

As we navigate into ‘life-after-covid’ and the new normal that everyone keeps talking about, your ability to use your emotions as a strategic resource will mean the difference between success & failure. 

Stay Safe. With Love, 

The Queen Of Hearts 
Mucha Mlingo 
| Six Seconds EQ Practitioner | Master Trainer & Facilitator | 
| Award Winning International Keynote Speaker | 

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