
Lesson 17 :A Conversation With My Mentors

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in – Founder & CEO, Passionate Entrepreneur, EQ Fanatic and OWIT Nairobi President.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…
So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time
“Behind every successful woman, is a tribe of fierce & successful sisters that have her back and push her to be more, all the while keeping her grounded” – Mucha Mlingo, Adapted
As I look back at the journey I have traveled, more particularly over the last couple of years, one thing is very clear – there has been a tribe of fierce & fearless women – who have mentored & inspired me, holding me accountable to the goals that I have set in my bid to grow my business here in the land I now call home.
I have learned that having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; rather – it shows you are smart enough and are driven enough to succeed. The reality is that the entrepreneurship journey is a tough one – a good mentor is a necessity! Mentors believe in you – they have faith in you & push to be better.  They also encourage you to keep moving when things get tough. Mentors are honest with you – they give out doses of ‘tough love’ & tell you to stop whining when it is necessary!  Mentors open up their networks & link you up with people who will help you succeed & achieve your goals. Ultimately a good mentor helps you towards your vision by helping you align your actions with your goals.
So let me tell you a little about this fierce and fearless tribe of sisters who have shaped my journey over the last couple of years…
I met Ciiru Waithaka, MD Funkidz Ltd on ‘tarmac’ – the term used for the pick-up area where we collect our kids after school.  Our boys became friends before we did. I mean, I knew of her – we have a mutual friend who had told me about her, and that she was an exceptionally successful woman in business that I should get to know, but I got to know her over a series of play dates, swimming galas & sport days. Little did I know then what a profound impact she would have on my business and how she would change my life!
I met Frida Owinga, Founder of PassionProfit, and most recent past President of OWIT Nairobi at an OWIT Nairobi breakfast meeting.  I had been looking for a Business Membership Organisation that I could plug into. I had been running my business for about 4 years at that point, but until then it was a ‘hobby’ – something I did in my spare time. That year, I had decided it was time to get serious about building an empire so I was intentionally looking for a safe space that would support my vision. Not only did I find that safe space, but I met a powerhouse who has taught me a lot about leadership, pushing me out of my comfort zone, enabling me to be more than I thought I could
I saw Patricia Murugami, CEO, Breakthrough Consulting Solutions Group, in action for the first time at a conference. When I think back, I think what impressed me most about Patricia was the aura she exuded. She has what Sarah refers to as a ‘Soft Eloquence.’  I reached out to her – it took a while to pin her down, but our first meeting begun a relationship that causes me to look at my heart
Frida introduced me to Sarah Richson, CEO Richemele International Consultants.  I may have seen her in action previously, but our engagement begun when she was invited to speak at an OWIT Nairobi event.  I remember thinking that she was such a powerful & inspirational speaker and I wanted to be just like her when I grew up! Our initial lunch – at Java Hurligham if I am not mistaken, gave birth to a relationship that has spurred me to greater heights.
I met Sarah Mabika-Buwu, MD, SKMB Community Training, 40-odd years ago, in a hospital in Nottingham.  Little did I know then the impact that this extraordinary woman would have on my life!  My mother is not only my number one fan, but through the journey that life has taken us both, especially over the last few years, she has modelled how to live a life of purpose & prayer.
So… there you have it – my fierce tribe!  Over the next five weeks I will tell you a little more about each one of them.  For now, let me leave you with this quote;
Proverbs 27:17
“As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.”
With love,

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