EQ In Crisis Webinar Series: Well-being In Times Of Crisis
The outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 has impacted people in varying ways on an international scale. It is understandable that during times like this, people may be feeling afraid, worried, anxious and overwhelmed by the constantly changing alerts and media
EQ In Crisis Webinar Series: A Leader Worth Following – Leading In Times Of Crisis
The real test of leadership does not occur when everything is smooth sailing. Rather, leadership is oftentimes tested during a crisis. The way a leader behaves and acts during a crisis will establish their credentials as a good leader or
EQ In Crisis Webinar Series: Thinking Outside The Box – Driving Sales In Times Of Crisis
The world is in a tailspin. Things are changing every day. We may have no idea what’s going to happen a week, a month, three months from now, it is important to find a way to keep doing business &
EQ In Crisis Webinar Series: Igniting Motivation In Times Of Crisis
Businesses have been forced plunge into the digital revolution – ready or not, in order to survive. This has presented multiple challenges for managers who have never led remote teams. Likewise, employees are struggling to adapt as they try to
EQ In Crisis Webinar Series: Delighting Customers In Times Of Crisis
In this season of stress & uncertainty, we know that as feelings escalate, it’s time for more Emotional Intelligence.Now more than ever, customer experience is job #1. Businesses that focus on retaining customers & building loyalty are the ones that
Stanbic Bank: Winning The Future
Stanbic DADAAt the start of the year we all had lofty aspirations for the year ahead, however, life threw us a curveball and we closed quarter 1 with the uninvited and unexpected arrival of the coronavirus that brought our lives to
EQ In Crisis Webinar Series: Leading Teams – Enhancing Teamwork In Times Of Crisis (Reboot Edition)
Covid-19 is an unprecedented challenge for organizations and their leadership teams around the world. How can you help your team to weather the storm & come out ahead on the other side? In this FREE EQ In Crisis webinar, Mucha will
Pause Factory Business Re-Alignment Strategies: Customer Experience
All relationships have an emotional component — and that holds true for the connection between people and brands. Your business’s relationship with customers is built over time, nourished by experiences along many online and physical touch points in their journey,
Standard Chartered Bank Webinar: Superwoman – Fact or Fiction?
At the start of the year we all had lofty aspirations for the year ahead, however, life threw us a curveball and we closed quarter 1 with the uninvited and unexpected arrival of the coronavirus that brought our lives to