Lesson No 49: Emotional Wellbeing In Times Of Crisis

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  “Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to our eyes. Silently and imperceptibly, as we wake or sleep, we grow strong or weak; and at last some crisis shows what we have become.”   Brooke Foss Westcott There is an amazing feeling that you get when you set a goal Continue Reading

Lesson No 48: Crisis, Chaos & Isolation

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  As feelings escalate, it’s time for more Emotional Intelligence.   Six Seconds What a week!   The announcement of the 1st case of COVID-19 virus here in Kenya brought what seemed to be a world away right to our doorstep.  Up until a few weeks ago, coronavirus was something that was happening to the rest of Continue Reading

Lesson No 47: Speaking My Future

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  “Our words are the blueprints of our thoughts and have amazing power to manifest into our reality.”  Kemmy Nola I have learned that the words that I speak have power – power to build or destroy.   The brain is made up of cells called neurons. These cells have nerve endings called synapses and dendrites. Continue Reading

Lesson No 46: Change Is Growth

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”  Wayne W. Dyer Change is tough. Often the head & heart are pulling in different directions, but I have learned that as difficult as it may be to navigate change – it can present a growth opportunity.  Today’s leaders are Continue Reading

Lesson No 45: Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone?

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  Your emotions can either be a stumbling block – hindering progress towards your goals or a stepping stone – propelling you forwards  Mucha Mlingo I have learned that stumbling blocks and stepping stones appear to look the same – how you approach them is the life-changing experience.  One of the most frequent questions in Continue Reading

Lesson No 44: Challenge The Status Quo

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  “The riskiest thing we can do is just maintain the status quo” Bob Iger I have told this story before, but allow me to tell it again…  It is said that a researcher conducted an experiment that involved 10 monkeys, a cage, a banana, a ladder and, an ice cold water hose.   Five of Continue Reading

Lesson No 43: Glass Half Full

The Queen of Hearts: The Confessions of An ‘Accidental’ Leader  I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  Lesson No 43: Glass Half Full  “New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately, we write it. The choice is ours.”   Alex Morritt In a 1995 study, Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychologist Doctor Martin at the University of Pennsylvania compared optimism scores to performance of Continue Reading

Lesson No 42: Happy #TwentyPlenty!

I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  “New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately, we write it. The choice is ours.”   Alex Morritt Every successful individual has a story to tell about when they felt like giving up… when they felt as though they had nothing left in them to give.  I have learned that Continue Reading

Lesson No 41: 2020, Here We Come!

The Queen of Hearts: The Confessions of An ‘Accidental’ Leader  I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  Lesson No 41: 2020 Here We Come!  The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.  Terry Orlick It was an honor to be amongst the 100 women in business finalists Continue Reading

Lesson No 39: The Heart Of Governance

The Queen of Hearts: The Confessions of An ‘Accidental’ Leader  I didn’t purpose to be in the space that I find myself in.  God plucked me from the path that I had set out for myself & set me on an alternative journey. At the start it all appeared somewhat ‘accidental’ but I know now that it was no accident, rather His design, His purpose for my life…  So now that I am here, these are my confessions…the lessons I am learning about being a woman in business, building an empire, one brick at a time…  Lesson No. 39: The Heart of Governance “Emotion can lead to our worst decisions or our best ones: The difference is Emotional Intelligence” Six Seconds October was a busy month – I spoke at several conferences.  I love being part of the Women On Continue Reading